Why it's important to flip your reeds

Why it's important to flip your reeds

We may already be speaking to reed diffuser experts - look away and continue shopping if we are, but we get asked so many times ‘how frequently do I need to flip my reeds?’

It may sound like such a simple question to some, but everyone is different and let’s be honest, time is precious, and we’re sure flipping your reed sticks doesn’t make it to your top 10 of priorities.

However, if you really want to enhance the aroma in your home then we recommend flipping your reeds (basically turning them in your diffuser) weekly.

Flipping your reeds so the dry end of the reed sticks are bathed in the fragrance oil helps to give you that scent boost, keeping the aroma fresh within the space you’ve put your diffuser. 

If you want to do this more often then who are we to stop you but remember flipping your reeds too frequently will cause your oil to evaporate quicker - don’t worry, we sell refills.

Shop Reed Diffusers here.

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